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Major AI Trends for Future Education Technology

  • Published on: April 16, 2024
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  • Updated on: June 18, 2024
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  • Reading Time: 5 mins
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Authored By:

Ammar Khomusi

Associate AI Engineer & Strategy Consultant

With the widespread adoption of technology in education, AI seems old news. According to Global Market Insights, the global AI edtech market which was valued at $4 billion in 2022, is further expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10% between 2023 to 2030. From K12 education to academic research, AI-based edtech has opened doors to boundless possibilities. However, it has also ushered the technology into a territory marked with complexities and obstacles. From issues of accessibility to ethical considerations, this article will revolve around the next big question, “What does the future hold for AI in education?”

A man sitting at a desk analyzing AI in Education data on multiple computers.


Current Landscape of AI in Education

Before we delve into the prospects of AI in the future of education technology, it is necessary to know the present-day scenario. While AI in edtech is implemented in different segments, its most mature and sizable offerings are AI-assisted language learning systems (AIlls), Adaptive Learning Software (ALS), AI-driven educational assessment software, and AI educational software and apps for kids and young learners.

Generative AI is helping educators upgrade learning management systems (LMS) for better content creation, personalization, grading, and assessment automation, improved learning analytics, and accessible intelligent tutor systems. Further, Natural Language Processing (NLP) software is making learning more adaptive and accessible for people from different backgrounds. Together, these developments have radically transformed how education is delivered, how concepts are understood, how assessments are made, and how learners approach feedback and recommendations. However, educators are also aware of new risks and shortcomings that are going to shape the future of technology in education for the years to come.

Finding the Right Product/Market Fit

With educational personalization comes the need for a niche product that is able to serve a large set of learners whose goals are different from one another. In his product/market fit series, Michael Feldstein shows how Khan Academy’s Khanmingo generated quality lesson plans through AI. It highlights the challenges of standardization and unpredictability in AI adoption. It reiterates the fact that for edtech to solve real-world problems, it will require human intervention to experiment with what works and what does not.

Addressing Accessibility Concerns

The inherent algorithmic bias of AI is raising accessibility concerns for learners. For example, a voice recognition system that does not work well with regional dialects inhibits learners of specific areas from leveraging the benefits of AI. Similarly, by adapting to individual learning systems based on incomplete data or poor theories, AI can actually widen the achievement gap between students.

Ensuring Ethical Considerations, Data Privacy, and Transparency

For AI in education to be effective, it requires access to detailed data which involves information about both the students as well as the teachers. The large-scale use of AI poses significant data privacy and security concerns. Edtech companies must guarantee the security of data collection, processing, and storage to gain consumer trust. Similarly, ensuring the ethical use of AI to enforce academic integrity among students tops the list of educator concerns surrounding AI. Moreover, AI’s automation capabilities also raise concerns about the reliability of the information that is generated.

A group of people huddled around a computer with a virtual screen, brainstorming ideas for their latest future education technology project.

As we navigate the current scenario of AI in education, it becomes evident that while the technology has numerous possibilities, it has also presented its fair share of challenges. Looking ahead, the future of AI in edtech seems promising but nuanced. One significant trend poised to shape the trajectory of AI in edtech is the continued refinement of algorithms and methodologies to address the complexities of education personalization. Future technology in education will emphasize:

1. Hyper-personalization and adaptive learning

Personalization of content provides learners with relevant experiences based on past data. A step forward, hyper-personalization allows for a more contextual experience through real-time data analysis. As we look ahead, the advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) promise to develop more sophisticated AI edtech systems. The integration of large language models into learning systems and assessment software holds immense potential for how individual knowledge and skills are evaluated.

Another part of the hyper-personalization trend is the ability of LLMs to enhance accessibility and inclusivity in educational settings. For example, voice-activated technology will improve support for hands-free learning and large-scale data analysis will mitigate algorithmic biases.

2. Real-time immersive experiences

Immersive edtech is not a new concept. Lab simulators have been around for a while. However, AI-based lab simulations replicating real-time experimentation make the whole process of acquiring knowledge more dynamic and memorable. Technologies like AR, VR, MR, and XR can stimulate learners’ senses in an interactive and realistic environment. By creating accessible interfaces for students with disabilities and cognitive impairments supported with real-time feedback mechanisms, AI-based immersive edtech can enhance the overall learning experience.

3. Gamification for education

The concept of gamification revolves around the allocation of badges, game points, and scoreboards/leadership boards for user motivation. When leveraged with AI, it can encourage learners to go through their courses, unlock new material through rewards, and keep achieving new levels. It can help learners achieve new milestones by setting new goals.

4. Cohort based learning

Cohort-based learning refers to a model where students progress through a course together and share their learning experiences with peers. AI-driven cohort learning platforms can facilitate new pathways for peer interaction and project collaboration. Its intelligent recommendation systems can track individual progress and enable personalized learning paths within a cohort.

In essence, the future of AI in education seems promising but its realization depends upon addressing the present challenges and following ethical frameworks for future learners. Education-focused AI policies will be needed to guide the use of AI by learners. While initiatives like AI Literacy: Competencies and Design Considerations, the AI4K12: K-12 AI Guidelines, and the Machine Learning Education Framework are working towards the development of guidelines for a community of practitioners, researchers, and tool developers, edtech developers must also join forces with educators to improve opportunity, equity, and outcomes for learners.


Written By:

Ammar Khomusi

Associate AI Engineer & Strategy Consultant

Ammar Khomusi combines his expertise as a full-stack developer and AI Engineer with a strategic consulting approach. Skilled in JavaScript, Python, React, and various other programming languages, he focuses on integrating Natural Language Processing and AI to address complex educational challenges. At Magic EdTech, Ammar has played a key role in utilizing AI to improve accessibility and inclusivity on digital learning platforms, contributing to the evolution of educational technology. His work aims to transform the educational landscape, enhancing the effectiveness and engagement of learning experiences for a diverse range of audiences.


Educational institutions and policymakers are actively working to address biases in AI algorithms to ensure fair access and opportunities for learners across diverse backgrounds. This involves developing guidelines and implementing measures to mitigate algorithmic bias and promote inclusivity in AI-driven educational tools.

Successful AI applications in education have demonstrated the ability to balance personalization and accessibility. For instance, some AI systems utilize adaptive learning techniques to tailor educational content to individual learning styles while also incorporating features to accommodate diverse needs, such as voice-activated technology for hands-free learning.

Edtech companies are prioritizing data privacy and transparency by implementing robust security measures and transparent data handling practices. This includes obtaining explicit consent for data collection, ensuring encryption during transmission and storage, and providing clear information about how data is used and protected.

Educators navigate the integration of AI-driven personalization by maintaining human oversight and intervention. They play a crucial role in interpreting AI-generated insights, monitoring student progress, and ensuring that educational content remains relevant and aligned with learning objectives.

Stakeholders across the education sector are collaborating on AI literacy initiatives to equip learners with the skills to critically engage with AI-driven educational technologies. This involves developing educational resources, frameworks, and guidelines to promote understanding, ethical use, and responsible decision-making regarding AI in education.

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