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AI For Learning and Development: Redefining Corporate Training

  • Published on: April 25, 2024
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  • Updated on: June 19, 2024
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  • Reading Time: 6 mins
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Authored By:

Sudeep Banerjee

SVP, Workforce Solutions

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly gained prominence within corporate environments, with companies in the UK alone investing a staggering 42 billion pounds into AI technologies. This substantial investment reflects a growing acknowledgment that traditional training methods often fall short of meeting the evolving needs of modern enterprises.

Globally, organizations are reshaping their learning objectives, placing a stronger emphasis on digital technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and generative AI to deliver personalized learning experiences. The profound influence of AI is undeniable, with 72% of HR leaders anticipating a significant transformation in workplace learning and development.

Recent research highlights the tangible benefits of AI for learning and development, with conversational AI alone boosting the productivity of low-skilled employees by an impressive 34%. Furthermore, AI-based training enables instructional designers to meticulously tailor training programs to accommodate the diverse and individualized needs of learners. By integrating AI into Learning Management Systems (LMS), global companies are streamlining their training processes, making them more efficient and effective.

The trajectory of AI’s growth is unmistakable, with AI software revenue projected to surpass $100 billion globally by 2025. This exponential expansion underscores AI’s increasing proximity to human capabilities, promising continued advancements in learning and development practices. In this article, we delve into the profound impact of AI on learning and development, exploring how it can enhance learning efficacy and drive organizational success.


The Potential of AI in Learning and Development

Planning and Strategizing with AI

Adapting to the dynamic business environment presents a significant challenge for organizations, requiring them to realign their strategies with recent market changes. However, this endeavor often entails considerable costs and turnaround times.

AI tools for learning and development offer a distinct advantage by delving deeper into data than traditional HR approaches. They provide HR leaders with insights from assessment metrics, facilitating the adaptation of learning and development programs accordingly. Integrating AI into LMS enhances this capability further, enabling the creation of tailor-made learning content that caters to the distinctive learning styles and paces of individuals. By leveraging existing infrastructure, companies can save on infrastructural costs and significantly reduce turnaround times.

Enhancing Employee Engagement and Retention

According to a study by Gallup, 51% of US workers don’t feel engaged at work. This shows how important it is to make training and development more engaging and a good learning experience. In fact, businesses that had good employee engagement saw a 21% growth in profitability, and it’s 87% less likely that employees will leave the company.

To solve this, AI is here. Through AI, businesses can acquire employee data like service history, training, feedback, likes and dislikes, observe trends, and predict probable issues. After analyzing all these metrics, L&D professionals can get an idea about how they can enhance employee engagement and retention.

There are employee engagement bots as well, which have the power of machine learning baked into them, and they are specifically developed to enhance employee engagement and retention.

Additionally, technologies like natural language processing (NLP) of textual conversations have the ability to identify the mood of employees at work and future performance linked with behavioral patterns, facial expressions, and body language.

The 2024 Employee Experience Trends Report states that 53% of the employees who were engaged in training believed that they were comfortable with AI at work. Moreover, 65% of the C-suite executives were comfortable with AI.

A man is interacting with AI on the desktop, and a woman is looking at it.

Addressing Technological Challenges in Training

Customization is essential in implementing LMS tailored to a company’s unique objectives and requirements. However, striking a balance between dynamism and convenience poses challenges. Smart AI algorithms can efficiently manage learning modules, identify individual learning patterns, and assess employee performance. AI-driven LMS platforms offer personalized experiences, enhancing convenience for users. It’s anticipated that nearly half of all LMS platforms will be AI-capable by 2024, underscoring the growing role of AI in training.

Content Creation Challenges

With information overload becoming common in today’s digital age, creating high-quality content can get challenging for L&D professionals. To solve this, they will need to strike an optimal balance between quantity and quality of the content.

AI can optimize this since AI can condense information into summaries and short-form content. For instance, a tool with the name CourseAI can create human-like language and content by itself. This can reduce the quantity and give L&D professionals more time to curate quality content.

AI tools can also decrease the average time spent in creating an L&D video by 62%. Where earlier it took 12.9 days, now it takes just 4.9 days. Hence, AI can significantly reduce video production time. This has shown an affirmative impact on course completion rate.

Streamlining Administrative Tasks

Administrative tasks such as grading, feedback provision, and assessment consume valuable time for L&D teams. AI automation alleviates these burdens by facilitating communication through chatbots, summarizing texts, and generating questions based on client needs. Tools like DALL-E translate text into images, enhancing efficiency in administrative processes.


The Future of AI in Training and Development

How AI Algorithms Are Changing the Game

AI algorithms are said to get more advanced by inducing more complex components, such as instructional modality, which means that it will track the mood of an individual and recommend the learning materials accordingly, leading to an increase in AI for learning and development.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

AI algorithms are said to get more advanced by inducing more complex components, such as instructional modality, which means that it will track the mood of an individual and recommend the learning materials accordingly.

Benefits of AI Supersedes Its Risks

According to a study in 2024 by Gartner, 68% of executives agree that the benefits of using AI supersedes the risks of it. While 22% of executives started an elaborative discussion on the use of AI in their workplace.

The multiracial corporate business team is discussing the use of AI in the workplace with each other.

Extensive Use of Gen AI

Around 35% of the learning solution providers are already experimenting with gen AI to simplify the effort involved in curation, creation, and enhancing the research. This shows that the use of gen AI will grow more and will grow more advanced in the coming years.


Benefits of AI in Employee Training

Boosts Employee Engagement

AI can boost employee engagement by analyzing their data, service history, performance assessment, training, and feedback. This helps identify trends and interests of the employees, create training programs as per them, and anticipate probable issues.

Improves Operational Efficiency

As per a survey by McKinsey, AI can reduce operational costs by up to 30% and consequently improve business efficiency by 40% through automation of repetitive tasks and smoothening out the business processes. This helps scale the business and enables L&D professionals to invest more in employee training and development.

Empowers Learning Inclusivity

AI enhances inclusivity by basing the entire learning process on performance evaluation and not on biases, leading to greater inclusivity and transparency. It also recommends ways to create job ads targeted to inclusivity and diversity. AI harnesses talent data to give relevant insights that aid businesses in developing an inclusive environment.

Ensures Compliance Requirements

AI ensures that HR professionals are able to manage compliance requirements like data privacy, health, safety and security, ethics, and hiring. AI helps them draft compliance reports, identify potential risks, and create strategies accordingly. It also tracks compliance in real time and sets alerts on suspicious instances that could trigger non-compliance.



In conclusion, AI revolutionizes learning and development practices, offering tailored solutions to meet the evolving needs of modern organizations. By embracing AI for learning and development, companies can enhance learning efficacy, drive employee engagement, and achieve sustainable growth in the digital era.


Written By:

Sudeep Banerjee

SVP, Workforce Solutions

A future-focused and experienced executive offering more than 20+ years of experience serving as a tactical partner to globally recognized corporations—helping businesses reach next-level success by tapping into the power of human capital and technology effciency. Championed multi-faceted Edtech, Learning & Development (L&D) transformations, workforce solutions, AI-driven training, and learning automation. Leading with vision, strategy, design, and execution for corporations with large and complex ecosystems. Spearheaded enterprise growth with adept at leading high-performing teams, driving business growth, and delivering excellence in client service.


AI ensures privacy and security by implementing robust data encryption techniques and adhering to strict data protection regulations. Additionally, AI systems are designed with built-in privacy features that anonymize and aggregate data to protect individual identities. Companies also employ ethical guidelines and protocols to govern the collection, storage, and usage of employee data, ensuring transparency and consent throughout the process.

The extensive use of AI in learning and development raises ethical considerations such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and job displacement. To address these concerns, companies are developing ethical frameworks and guidelines that prioritize fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI systems. They also invest in ongoing monitoring and evaluation to identify and mitigate potential biases or unintended consequences of AI-driven solutions.

Organizations may encounter challenges like data quality issues, integration complexities, and resistance to change from employees. Additionally, AI technologies require continuous updates and maintenance to remain effective, which can strain resources and expertise. These challenges can be addressed through comprehensive planning, stakeholder engagement, and agile implementation strategies that prioritize user feedback and iterative improvements.

Companies ensure inclusivity in AI-based training programs by adopting universal design principles and accessibility standards. This involves providing multiple modalities for learning, such as text-based, auditory, and visual formats, to accommodate diverse learning preferences and abilities. Additionally, companies offer training and support to employees with varying levels of technological proficiency, ensuring that AI tools are accessible and intuitive for all users.

For an effective utilization of AI tools, companies invest in training programs that equip employees and L&D professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge. This includes technical training on AI algorithms and platforms, as well as soft skills development in areas such as data interpretation, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making. Continuous learning and upskilling initiatives are integrated into organizational culture, developing an adaptable and innovative mindset in the digital era.

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