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Case Study

Authoring Tool Design & Development for a Graphic Novel Series

Key Result Highlights

  • Delivered applications with full documentation.
  • Enhanced code quality by over 80% code coverage through unit tests.

The Client

The client is an American educational publishing company and one of the big three educational publishers that publish educational content, software, and services for pre-K through postgraduate education.

The Challenge

They were looking to build an authoring tool that consist of a user interface for authors, illustrators, and other content contributors. This would be used to compile images, text boxes (speech bubbles), audio files, and literacy challenges into an interactive graphic novel.

Once the graphic novel is created, a player should read the data file created by the authoring tool and each page should be rendered with all the transitions and interactions.

Critical Success Factors

    Implement below features within a 2-month timeline:

    • Story authoring
    • Questions authoring
    • User and media management
    • Player app
    • 9 predefined templates support
    • Bubble support
    • 3rd-party API integration
    • Using a backend API as a JavaScript library

Our Approach

    • Magic EdTech developed multiple applications like one for rest APIs, one authoring app, and one player app.
    • Provided the client with cloud infra setup on AWS and DevOps support.
    • Delivered tested authoring and player applications using Angular & Typescripts.
    • Sonar cloud was integrated to check the code quality for gradual improvements of the code.

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