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Case Study

Enhancing Data Portal Quality for a Major Publisher with EazyTest

Key Result Highlights

  • Created an automated test suite comprising over 1000 test cases in 8 weeks.
  • Slashed automation efforts by 50% and reduced the execution cycle per build by 40%.
  • Delivered ahead of schedule in just 1.5 months, surpassing client expectations.

The Client

The client ranks among the top three educational publishers worldwide, with a presence in 70 countries. Their main focus lies in K12, Higher Education, and Professional Education sectors.

The Challenge

The challenge was to maintain the integrity of their self-service data portal platform, which allowed librarians and authors to request product information for digital content in universally accessible formats. With Phase 1 live, they aimed to deliver a feature-packed ‘Phase 2’ in two months without any regressions in the final product.

Critical Success Parameters

    • Ensure a minimum pass percentage exceeding 80%.
    • Complete all tasks within a demanding 2-month timeframe.
    • Guarantee seamless operation across various OS-browser

Our Approach

    • Leveraged our in-house automation framework, ‘EazyTest,’ to kickstart the automation process.
    • Generated automated test reports during execution without
      the need for manual automation scripting.

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