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A Step-By-Step Guide to Selecting the Right Assessment Platform for Your Institution

  • Published on: September 13, 2023
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  • Updated on: June 30, 2024
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  • Reading Time: 8 mins
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With the rise of online and mixed learning models, it can be tough to figure out where various education tools fit and how they benefit your institution’s digital technology setup.

More importantly, it can be challenging to identify which tools helped during the sudden shift to remote learning.  Also, you need to determine which ones align best with your teaching and learning plans for the present and the future.

This article simplifies the pros and cons of various online assessment solutions, particularly those focused on essays, reports, exams, and tests.


What is an Assessment Platform?

An online assessment platform for students is a tool that helps teachers and students with the entire assessment process. This includes creating assessments, giving them to students, completing and submitting their work, and teachers providing feedback.

These platforms facilitate various assessments to gauge student performance and progress. Here are the different types of assessment platforms and the tests they help manage.

  • Formative Assessment Platforms: They help ongoing student evaluation, offering instant feedback through quizzes, polls, surveys, and assignments.
  • Standardized Testing Platforms: These tools are suitable for large-scale assessments like state tests or college entrance exams. They ensure fairness and consistency by measuring student knowledge against predefined criteria.
  • Summative Assessment Platforms: Designed for end-of-term evaluations, they create comprehensive exams, facilitate efficient grading, and provide performance reports, aiding data-driven curriculum decisions.
  • Adaptive Assessment Platforms: Personalized tests adjust difficulty based on student responses, deliver precise ability measurements, and identify areas requiring support.
  • Online Learning and Homework Platforms: These platforms simplify homework and assignment management. They enable digital submission grading and even offer plagiarism detection for academic integrity.

For less critical assessments, Learning Management Systems (LMS) often serve as the ‘assessment platform.’ You can share assessment instructions and resources; students can submit their work as a file. This simple process is convenient for teachers and students and uses the LMS to deliver content.

A teacher explaining to a student from a tablet.


What Are Some Common Concerns  With Traditional Online Assessment Tools?

To quickly address the need for online exams, testing platforms gained popularity after the pandemic. However, their use raised concerns about student privacy, accessibility, and technical problems with major providers.

It would help if you also questioned the necessity of the high level of assessment security promoted by these platforms.

An online assessment platform for students needs to allow for developing and evaluating higher-order thinking skills, making them less suitable for evolving educational needs.

With institutions aiming to build graduate skills in students, they are moving towards more authentic and learning-centered assessment methods.

For many courses, open-book assessments enhance learning outcomes and student experiences. This makes us wonder whether investing in high-stakes assessment platforms is a future-proof solution.


Is Assessment Through LMS Any Good?

Learning Management Systems have expanded to support various stages of the assessment process. On the surface, these platforms meet educators’ and students’ assessment needs.

However, they were initially designed to deliver and manage subject content, not to improve student learning.

By itself, an LMS does not offer the support students need throughout the assessment process. They don’t provide insight into student progress and offer limited opportunities for teachers to guide learning or make necessary adjustments.

Without this support, students may disengage, fail, or resort to cheating, especially in fully remote or blended learning settings. As institutions strive to provide superior learning experiences, you should ask whether assessment through the LMS is the best you can offer students.


How to Choose the Best Assessment Platform

Selecting the best EdTech platform for your institute is a major decision that requires careful analysis and research. Here is some valuable advice if you’re searching for a suitable solution.

Identify Your Goals

Skipping the research stage and opting for the most popular or budget-friendly option may be tempting. However, hasty decisions have often been the downfall of many EdTech projects, resulting in wasted resources, decreased confidence, and unused products.

Identifying your school’s top priorities is crucial when selecting an EdTech platform. Conduct thorough research, considering the needs of students, teachers, and your organization. These include:

  • Improving Learning Outcomes: Employing strategies and resources to enhance students’ academic achievements and understanding.
  • Personalized Learning: Tailoring educational experiences to suit individual students’ specific learning styles, abilities, and interests.
  • Supporting Teachers: Equipping educators with tools, training, and resources to enhance their teaching effectiveness and support their professional growth.
  • Efficiency: Streamlining educational processes and workflows to save time, resources, and effort while maintaining or improving quality.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Utilizing data analysis and insights to inform educational strategies, adapt teaching methods, and make informed choices for improvement.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Maximizing the value of educational investments, ensuring that resources are used efficiently to achieve academic goals while staying within budget constraints.

Every institution is unique, and with a systematic approach to choosing an EdTech platform, you can save resources. Therefore, investing time in proper research is wise when considering an EdTech solution.

Assess the Impact of the Platform

EdTech platforms often present case studies, testimonials, and other evidence to showcase their product’s effectiveness. It’s also valuable to consult with colleagues and other schools for their recommendations.

However, more is needed to rely solely on one source of information. Evaluating the efficiency of a platform that aligns with your institution’s needs can be done through multiple avenues.

Explore various resources and gather additional supporting research, statistics, and testimonials to make an informed decision.

Assessing the platform’s long-term impact provides confidence that it will align with your desired outcomes. Reviews and testimonials are compelling evidence that should weigh heavily in your decision-making process.

You can check educational technology websites such as EdSurge and EdTech Magazine, which provide comprehensive reviews and analyses of these platforms, offering insights into their features and effectiveness.

You can also join communities and forums, such as Reddit’s r/EdTech and EdTechTalk, which allows educators and administrators to connect with peers who share their experiences and opinions about specific EdTech tools.

You may also refer to academic journals in education that publish research articles and studies on the impact of EdTech, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness of specific platforms.

Check the Fine Print

Before finalizing any contract, ensure that you have addressed every potential issue that may arise. You may have various reasons for not proceeding with an EdTech platform.

Pay close attention to issues such as privacy and GDPR compliance. Avoid long-term commitments that could lock you into unsatisfactory results. During your research, consider whether the platform offers training or support, as this will enhance your overall experience.

When selecting an EdTech platform, ensure it aligns with your specific requirements. Whether your primary goals are reducing workload, saving money, or improving student outcomes, thorough research will help you find the best online assessment platform for your school’s needs.


Key Factors for Choosing the Right Assessment Platform

When evaluating assessment platforms, it’s essential to consider several key factors to ensure a smooth test-taking experience. Let’s explore each factor and understand its significance.


The assessment platform should seamlessly integrate with your institution’s educational systems and technologies. This ensures that data can flow freely between tools and platforms, allowing for a more cohesive and efficient educational ecosystem.

Item Bank and Question Library

A robust item bank and question library within the assessment platform enable educators to access various pre-built questions and assessments, saving time and effort in test creation. Additionally, the ability to customize and add questions to this library further enhances its utility, promoting a consistent and comprehensive approach to assessment.

Assessment Type Support

Different educational scenarios require various assessments, from formative quizzes to summative exams. The assessment platform should offer versatile support for various assessment types, ensuring flexibility in designing evaluations that align with specific learning goals.

User-Friendly Interface

A user-friendly interface ensures educators and students can easily navigate the platform. Intuitive design and straightforward navigation can significantly reduce the learning curve and save valuable time.


Choose a platform that can accommodate your institution’s current needs and future growth. Scalability ensures the platform can handle increasing users, courses, and assessments without performance issues.

Security and Privacy

In the era of online learning, data security and privacy are paramount. Look for a platform that employs robust security measures to protect sensitive student information and assessment data.

Customization Options

Every institution has unique assessment needs. Ensure the platform offers customization options, allowing you to tailor assessments to match your curriculum and teaching style.

Reporting and Analytics

Comprehensive reporting and analytics tools are essential for tracking student progress and identifying improvement areas. Look for a platform that provides detailed insights and data visualization.


Accessibility is crucial to ensure all students, including those with disabilities, can access and complete assessments without barriers. Make sure the platform complies with accessibility standards.


Does the Assessment Platform Have Any Advanced Features?

Now, let’s look at some advanced features that can elevate your assessment platform to the next level. Check if the assessment platform you are choosing includes the following:

  • Adaptive Assessments: Adaptive assessments adjust the difficulty of questions based on the student’s performance, providing a personalized learning experience and more accurate assessment results.
  • Automated Proctoring Tools with AI: Automated proctoring tools use AI to monitor students during online assessments, preventing cheating and ensuring the integrity of the testing environment.
  • Diverse Question Types: A robust assessment platform should support various question types, including simulations, interactive scenarios, coding exercises, and more, to assess different skills effectively.
  • Metadata and Tagging Systems: Metadata and tagging systems help organize assessments and make searching for and reusing questions easier, saving educators time and effort.


Final Thoughts

By considering these key factors and advanced features, educational institutions, and leaders can make an informed decision when selecting an assessment platform. The right platform can enhance the teaching and learning experience while simplifying assessment management.

At Magic EdTech, we have the expertise to build an online assessment platform for teachers that meets your institution’s specific needs. Make the right choice for your institution and unlock the full potential of assessment platforms in the digital education landscape.

Contact us to learn more about our robust EdTech platform and how we help your institution with your online assessment goals.


Assessing through a Learning Management System (LMS) offers significant benefits, such as comprehensive integration of the assessment process, convenience in managing assignments and submissions, and flexibility with various assessment types. However, LMS platforms also present challenges. They were initially designed for content delivery rather than enhancing student learning, and they may lack the advanced analytics and personalized feedback necessary for effectively monitoring student progress. Without robust support tools, students risk disengagement, failure, or academic dishonesty. To maximize effectiveness, institutions should consider complementary tools to enhance LMS capabilities, ensuring a more supportive and insightful assessment environment.

When selecting an assessment platform, look for advanced features such as adaptive assessments that adjust difficulty based on student performance, and automated proctoring tools with AI to maintain exam integrity. Diverse question types, including simulations and coding exercises, are crucial for evaluating various skills. Additionally, metadata and tagging systems help organize and reuse questions efficiently, saving educators time. These features collectively enhance the platform's capability to provide a personalized, secure, and comprehensive assessment experience.

There are several types of online assessment platforms available, each designed for specific educational needs. Formative assessment platforms facilitate ongoing student evaluation through quizzes, polls, and assignments, providing instant feedback. Standardized testing platforms are suitable for large-scale assessments like state tests or college entrance exams, ensuring fairness and consistency. Summative assessment platforms are designed for end-of-term evaluations, creating comprehensive exams and performance reports. Adaptive assessment platforms personalize tests by adjusting difficulty based on student responses.

Assessment tools come in various forms to meet different educational needs. Formative assessment tools include quizzes, polls, surveys, and assignments that provide instant feedback to support ongoing student evaluation. Standardized testing tools are used for large-scale assessments like state tests or college entrance exams, ensuring fairness and consistency. Summative assessment tools are used for end-of-term evaluations, offering comprehensive exams and performance reports. Adaptive assessment tools personalize tests by adjusting the difficulty based on student responses, providing precise ability measurements. Online learning and homework tools manage homework assignments and submissions, often incorporating features like digital grading and plagiarism detection.

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