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Case Study

Improving Usage By Revamping UX For A Digital Library App

Key Result Highlights

  • 70% Improvement in Performance
  • 99% Crash Free Performance
  • 45% Improved Average Session Time

The Client

The client is a large content aggregator and a distributor who provides books, digital content, and technology solutions that help public libraries improve community outcomes.

The Challenge

The client was facing challenges with their mobile content delivery application. The application was slow and unstable. A few of their library partners had given a clear indication of switching to another solution if the application wasn’t stabilized immediately.

Critical Success Parameters

    • The customer sought a technology partner and wanted to collaborate with someone who had good experience in developing performant mobile applications and a strong understanding of the domain i.e. digital content production and delivery platforms.
    • Expected to make the application stable and achieve a turnaround within 90 days.

Our Approach

    • Based on loose coupling and separation of concern architecture principles, we completed architecture redesign. We constructed user experience redesign which made it more intuituive and less cumbersome. We created an analytics solution to generate and share meaningful insights.
    • Constructed user experience redesign which made it more intuitive and less cumbersome.
    • Created an analytics solution to generate and share meaningful insights.

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