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Episode 22

Taking Learning Interventions Mainstream With Technology

Brief description of the episode

David Bain, Senior Vice President, Academic Innovation & Analytics at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, gets into the details of learning intervention strategies and how edtech tools can help drive them.

Key Takeaways:

  • According to an Educator Confidence Report (ECR) conducted by HMH, almost 70% of teachers said that EdTech is essential to instruction within the classroom.
  • EdTech is no longer being viewed as just an LMS or a single sign-on, it is becoming a more integral part of the classroom.
  • Teachers are now beginning to integrate technology in the classroom more in order to improve personalization and customization for their students.
  • EdTech personalization can benefit students via computer adaptive testing, ongoing utilization, and identifying student interest within the content that can be used to drive unique learning experiences for students.
  • AI can help assess students’ knowledge and create learning pathways that are better catered to each student than a teacher may be able to do at scale.
  • EdTech tools are in no way intended to replace the relationship between the student and teacher but rather to assist the teacher in supporting the class and individual learners’ needs through effective interventions in education.
  • Most schools have implemented some EdTech solutions, however, these individual systems do not communicate with each other, and therefore all provide reports in different ways.
  • A major improvement would be having more connected systems that can provide holistic reports and insights into the child’s performance.
  • The result of these holistic evaluations would allow a teacher to customize solutions for either groups of students or individual students who may require more support with a particular concept.

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